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Secondary Education Course Listing

SED 099 College Seminar

  •  No Credit
  • Taken Spring Freshman Year
  • Pass/Fail

This course provides secondary education students with an introduction to secondary education program requirements, certification requirements, the field of education, and the importance of teaching as a profession. Additionally, students will explore the means by which they can succeed in the School of Education and how to utilize various support services and learning opportunities. The seminar will provide students with the opportunity to interact with fellow students, department faculty, and build a community of academic and personal support.

SED 224 Adolescent Learning and Development

  • 1 Unit
  • Typically taken in the Sophomore Year

This course is oriented toward students in the secondary education track and introduces students to adolescent learning within the framework of normative development, context, and culture/ethnicity. Students will become familiar with traditional and emerging developmental theories and their application in multiple learning contexts including schools and cultures. Students will be able to create a context for adolescent learning with applicability for school learning and fieldwork in an educational setting.

EFN 299 Schools and Communities

  • 1 Unit
  • Typically taken in the Sophomore Year

This course explores the nature and complex interrelationship between school and society in a rapidly changing diverse culture in the United States.  Students will be expected to become familiar with different mores, values, belief systems, and attitudes held by various groups. Through reflection and ethnographic study, students will begin to develop an understanding of their own socialization and question how this may have impacted their own educational experience and those of others.

SPE 103

  • 1 Unit
  • Typically Taken in the Sophomore Year or First Semester Junior Year

This course introduces students to an interdisciplinary analysis of special education in American schools. Students review critical issues facing schools by applying analytic principles drawn from history, philosophy and legal/social theory in order to form an initial professional position. They will develop a framework for understanding how they, as individuals, can contribute to enhancing educational environments.

SED 399 Pedagogy in Secondary Schools

  • 1.5 Unit
  • Typically taken in the Spring of Junior Year or Fall of Senior Year with  ***390 (content specific methods course) and RAL 328

The purpose of this course is to prepare students for classroom teaching. Students develop the pedagogic knowledge, skills, and strategies to become effective and reflective practitioners, utilizing best practices in culturally responsive on-site experiences. This course integrates campus seminars and on-site teaching.

EED 390 English; HED 390 Social Studies; PHY 390 Science

  • 1 Unit
  • Typically taken in the Spring of the Junior Year or Fall of the Senior Year with SED 399 and RAL 328 as a block of courses

These courses are taken in content departments in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences or  School of Science Course descriptions can be found in the College Catalogue.

RAL 328 Reading in Secondary Education

  • .5 Unit
  • Typically taken with SED 399 and —390 as a block of courses in the Spring of the Junior Year or Fall of the Senior Year

This course will prepare pre-service secondary education teachers to support the disciplinary literacy skills of divergent learners in inclusive settings. It explores what it means to read and write in particular disciples and how different modes of text require middle and high school students to learn new modalities of reading and writing. Participants in the course will be introduced to diagnostic literacy assessments, progress monitoring techniques, and tier II level intervention used to identify and support students who re not meeting grade level expectations in reading.

—490 Student Teaching

  • 2 Units
  • Taken in the Senior Year

The on-site student full semester teaching practicum experience prepares students for secondary education classroom teaching.  Students will assume full teaching and pedagogic responsibilities in a content specific classroom during this full semester experience. Interns will plan, organize, and implement lessons in an elementary or secondary school setting.  The emphasis throughout the experience is upon the selective and effective use of teaching strategies and techniques gleaned during the secondary pedagogy course and content methods. Students will provide instructional leadership correlating to core and cross content curriculum standards. They will participate in all required competencies stated in INTASC Standards.

SED 498 Collaborative Capstone for Professional Inquiry

  • 1 Unit
  • Taken in the Senior Year concurrently with —490

This course is the culminating or capstone seminar designed to be taken concurrently with undergraduate student teaching. The purpose of the seminar is to examine and analyze pedagogic practice and learning behaviors that are observed and occur during the student teaching experience and to reflect on the overall dimensions of the classroom, on-site teaching environment, teaching and learning, and the community in which the school resides. Students will be encouraged to pursue action research, service learning and professional partnerships, and completion of an electronic portfolio. The course is organized around Distance Learning activities and seminars taught by a team of professors from content departments and the Department of Educational Administration and Secondary Education.
